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ebola-chan™ (

Name: ebola-chan™
Rank: 119 (15 fallen)
Kingdom: Phönix
Role: Governor
Villages: 6
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 8,126 (+59)
Registered since: 14/12/17
Playtime: 142 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 10)
Log: (Entries: 10)
14/12/17Village (10|-1) settled.
15/12/17Village (27|-18) settled.
20/12/17(10|-1) destroyed.
21/12/17Village (25|-17) settled.
04/01/18Village (16|-23) settled.
18/01/18Village (26|-44) settled.
29/01/18Village (22|-3) settled.
07/02/18Village (16|-29) settled.
16/03/18(47|11) conquered by Hadriax (~T!LT~).
04/04/18 (47|11) conquered by Hadriax (~T!LT~).
Alliance history:
FF  14/12/17 till 12/01/18  (30 Days)
Phönix  since 13/01/18  (113 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
ebola-chan™on DE2 ( (2021) (Villages: 6)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 25|-17 ) BlessRNG1534(+40)(settledThu 21/12/17
( 27|-18 ) AsianGlow1471(+12)(settledFri 15/12/17
( 26|-44 ) DansGame1429(+3)(settledThu 18/01/18
( 22|-3 ) EleGiggle1298(settledMon 29/01/18
( 16|-29 ) FrankerZ1212(+2)(settledWed 07/02/18
( 16|-23 ) CoolCat1182(+2)(settledThu 04/01/18

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 10|-1 ) asfasg- (destroyed Wed 20/12/17
( 47|11 )GivePLZ1034(c.t. Hadriax Wed 04/04/18

Player statistics