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Itachi Uchiha (

*deleted* (25/06/14)
Registered since: 26/10/13
Deletion: 25/06/14
Playtime: 242 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 22)
Log: (Entries: 22)
26/10/13Village (32|64) settled.
23/11/13Village (32|63) settled.
20/12/13Village (32|65) settled.
12/01/14Village (155|149) settled.
08/02/14Village (31|64) settled.
13/03/14Village (34|64) settled.
02/04/14Village (33|63) settled.
24/04/14(32|69) conquered by Nataren.
14/05/14Village (34|63) settled.
24/05/14 (155|149) conquered by paukli (5E~DK~).
25/05/14Village (34|61) settled.
30/05/14(16|70) conquered by höllenhund.
22/06/14 (32|69) conquered by wake (5E Z & P).
26/06/14Village (34|63) deleted at player deletion.
26/06/14Village (33|63) deleted at player deletion.
26/06/14Village (32|63) deleted at player deletion.
26/06/14Village (34|64) deleted at player deletion.
26/06/14Village (32|64) deleted at player deletion.
26/06/14Village (31|64) deleted at player deletion.
26/06/14Village (32|65) deleted at player deletion.
26/06/14Village (16|70) deleted at player deletion.
26/06/14Village (34|61) deleted at player deletion.
Alliance history:
Akatsuki  26/10/13 till 02/11/13  (8 Days)
RoC  03/11/13 till 10/01/14  (69 Days)
(No alliances)  11/01/14 
P & Z  12/01/14 till 13/01/14  (2 Days)
5E Z & P  14/01/14 till 20/02/14  (38 Days)
P & Z  21/02/14 till 28/02/14  (8 Days)
(No alliances)  01/03/14 
?  02/03/14 
(No alliances)  03/03/14 
?  04/03/14 till 11/03/14  (8 Days)
(No alliances)  12/03/14 till 13/03/14  (2 Days)
Akatsuki  14/03/14 
5E Z & P  15/03/14 till 17/05/14  (64 Days)
(No alliances)  18/05/14 till 23/05/14  (6 Days)
5E Z & P  24/05/14 till 18/06/14  (26 Days)
(No alliances)  19/06/14 till 20/06/14  (2 Days)
Akatsuki  21/06/14 till 25/06/14  (5 Days)
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (38 entries)
Itachi Uchihaon ( (Villages: 3)
Itachi Uchihaon ( (Villages: 3)
Itachi Uchihaon Server 20 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Itachi Uchihaon Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Itachi Uchihaon Server 31 [] ( (Villages: 2)
Itachi Uchihaon COM4 ( (deleted)
Itachi Uchihaon Server 1 [] ( (deleted)
Itachi Uchihaon Server 1 [] ( (deleted)
Itachi Uchihaon Welt 4 ( (2020) (deleted)
ITACHI UCHIHAon Speed 3x ( (2020) (deleted)
Itachi Uchihaon Speed 3x ( (2012) (deleted)
Itachi Uchihaon Welt 5 ( (2012) (deleted)
Itachi Uchihaon Welt 2 ( (2011) (deleted)
Itachi Uchihaon Welt 1 ( (2011) (deleted)
Itachi Uchihaon Speed 3x ( (2011) (deleted)
Itachi Uchihaon Welt 7 ( (2011) (deleted)
Itachi Uchihaon Welt 6 ( (2011) (deleted)
Itachi Uchihaon ( (2010) (deleted)
Itachi Uchihaon ( (2010) (deleted)
Itachi Uchihaon ( (2010) (Villages: 11)
Itachi Uchihaon ( (2010) (deleted)
Itachi Uchihaon ( (2009) (deleted)
Itachi Uchihaon ( (2009) (Villages: 15)
Itachi Uchihaon ( (2009) (deleted)
itachi uchihaon ( (2009) (deleted)
Itachi Uchihaon ( (2009) (deleted)
Itachi Uchihaon Speed.DE ( (2008) (Villages: 1)
Itachi Uchihaon .AT ( (2008) (deleted)
Itachi Uchihaon Welt6 ( (2008) (deleted)
Itachi Uchihaon Welt9 ( (2008) (deleted)
Itachi Uchihaon Speed.DE (old) ( (2008) (Villages: 1)
Itachi Uchihaon Welt4 ( (2008) (deleted)
Itachi Uchihaon Welt8 ( (2008) (deleted)
Itachi Uchihaon Welt3 ( (2008) (deleted)
Itachi Uchihaon Welt2 ( (2008) (deleted)
Itachi Uchihaon Welt7 ( (2007) (deleted)
Itachi Uchihaon ORG ( (2007) (deleted)
Itachi Uchihaon .AT ( (2007) (deleted)


This cities has been deleted at players deletion:
X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 16|70 )[018]232(+7)(G.v. höllenhundFri 30/05/14
( 34|61 )R.208(+83)(settledSun 25/05/14
( 32|64 )Final Fantasy 0(settledSat 26/10/13
( 32|63 )Final Fantasy 1(settledSat 23/11/13
( 32|65 )Final Fantasy 2(settledFri 20/12/13
( 31|64 )Final Fantasy 4(settledSat 08/02/14
( 34|64 )Final Fantasy 5(settledThu 13/03/14
( 33|63 )Final Fantasy 6(settledWed 02/04/14
( 34|63 )Final Fantasy 8(settledWed 14/05/14

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 155|149 )Final Fantasy 3404(c.t. paukli Sat 24/05/14
( 32|69 )Final Fantasy 7564(c.t. wake Sun 22/06/14
( 34|63 )Final Fantasy 872 (deleted Thu 26/06/14
( 33|63 )Final Fantasy 6348 (deleted Thu 26/06/14
( 32|63 )Final Fantasy 1685 (deleted Thu 26/06/14
( 34|64 )Final Fantasy 5372 (deleted Thu 26/06/14
( 32|64 )Final Fantasy 0947 (deleted Thu 26/06/14
( 31|64 )Final Fantasy 4455 (deleted Thu 26/06/14
( 32|65 )Final Fantasy 2631 (deleted Thu 26/06/14
( 16|70 )Final Fantasy 389 (deleted Thu 26/06/14
( 34|61 )Final Fantasy 932 (deleted Thu 26/06/14

Player statistics